Mower County Transcript from Lansing, Minnesota (2024)

r- MeBRIDE, THE GROCER Has a Present for every tomer. Gome in and Select Yours while the sortment is good. This is not a premium, but a Token of Q-ood-will and Friendship to My Trade. MCBRIDE, THE GROCER. THE TRANSCRIPT Br tend gutter the post office at lOitiB, XimMWta.

C. H. DAVIDSON, Editor and Proprietor. AUSTIN. WGDLFKSDA DSC.

9, 1885. OUR SUPPLEMENT Is issued this week ta make room for the rush of advertising now upen us. It is not a handbill, gotten out for advertising purposes simply, and labeled ment" so as to give it a bogus "right to be folded inside the regular paper without payment of postage. Our ment is an honest part of the TRANSCRIPT newspaper, and no copy of the SCRIPT December 9th is complete out this Supplement. It is an flow" sheet, a Supplement being enclosed in every copy printed of the regular paper it is printed on both sides, and contains items of no sub scriber should neglect to read it.

tising and all. Teachers will find the Educational Department in the Supplement. DISTRICT CLERKS OF MOWER CO. OCTOBER, 1885. UDOLPHO.

OT Nov. Diet. Name. P. O.

Address. Appor. 49 Washburn Blooming Prairie 7967 50 Burr Maxwell Lansing 76 70 Manchester Blooming Prairie 80 09 60 John Neller Lansing 60 99 76 HD LaBar do 41 68 Easton Blooming Prairie 1980 LIMBING. Alfred Seeley Austin 32 09 43 Vaaghan Lansing 145 06 44 McGovern Austin 40 62 45 A McBride do 62 20 72 Anderson Lansing 106 44 101 Helebrant Austin 60 87 AUSTIFF. 6 John Lightly Jr Oakland 396 38 AC Allen Austin 48 72 27 Ormanzo Allen do 1628 08 28 Andrew fltemmel do 6019 29 James Bliss do 74 96 65 Dinsmoor do 60 51 LTZ.E.

12 Mrs Oofty Austin 52 61 13 JBarnum Lyle 6610 14 Trowbridge Austin 76 74 15 Joseph Wybonrney Lyle 112 09 64 Atkins Hotson do 67 29 70 Wm Bonnallie Austin 66 2f 90 Sherman Lyle 113 86 WALTHAM. 68 Boliou Waltham 60 76 61 Johnson Brownsdale 67 38 89 Albert Baxter do 26 74 93 Isaac Dennis Lansiug 73 96 107 John Siegel Brownsdale 82 40 110 Wm Fraederick do 35 80 BED BOCK. 87 Alf Rockwell Brownsdale 55 44 38 A Hunt do 264 01 89 A Ames Lansing 44 97 41 Kirkland Austin 96 44 43 John Rockwell Brownsdale 47 98 68 Snyder Austin 55 44 115 Vail do 3168 116 Browning Brownsdale 46 77 WINDOM. 22 John White Austin 68 92 23 Byron French do 106 92 24 Fairbanks Rose Creek 68 93 25 O'Maly do 12169 40 Smith Austin 43 56 46 Hawkinn do 50 08 73 Thomas Jensen Rose Creek 49 50 82 Reagan Austin 38 30 88 Kline Rose Creek 47 03 NEVADA. 9 Amundson Lyle 107 59 10 DeRemer Austin 67 79 11 Ole Sampeon Lyle 120 96 66 Rooney Bose Creek 68 62 87 A Thomassen Lyle 99 00 104 Wm McFarland Rose Creek 8014 SABOEAKT.

91 A Sargeant Sargeant 66 29 111 King Dexter 3616 113 Chas Swarts Brownsdale 64 02 114 Adolph Zander do 49 89 DEXTEB. 78 Hagen Dexter 44 84 86 Geo Benner do 119 78 98 A Sumner do 8019 106 Seebach do 48 31 108 Adams do 49 20 MARSHALL. 65 Arne A Huseby Adams 73 70 81 Warren Withers Dexter 42 36 103 Corbitt Rose Creek 67 62 105 Ole Widste Adams 58 95 ADAMS. 6 Fred Gerhart Lyle 7814 7 Ben Knntson Adams 79 67 8 A1) Harris do 92 76 71 Anton Kramer Taopi 83 95 72 Rooney Gennania 2914 PLEABAVT VALLEY. 47 A Johnson Dexter 60 59 48 Adam Himmer High Forest 47 52 51 James Lyons do 45 46 62 Wm Stiles do 5210 69 Geo Donaldssn do 17 02 76 Julius Weber Grand Meadow 33 67 94 Ola Lastrud do 60 43 GBAND MEADOW.

20 0 Higbie Grand Meadow 14216 21 Wilbreeht do 54 26 53 A Moore do 89 88 69 Wm Seabern do 35 62 1 77 Sheldon do 262 81 112 Eckford Dexter 52 86 CLAYTON. 74 Shearer Taopi 59 93 88 Gibbs Adams 62 42 109 Hopkins Grand Meadow 990 117 Peter Conniff do 3815 LODI. 67 Thomas Tnrton Taopi 30 69 80 Andrew A Weigan LeRoy 89 39 96 John Hubbard Taopi 78 88 99 11 Triggs do 86 37 100 Knndt Hegge do 17 58 BACINE. 30 Shaffer Stewartvilla 50 85 31 Wm Dutton High Forest 66 55 82 Wm Brown Grand Meadow 63 46 83 Reed Racine 67 83 34 Campfleld Hamilton 67 42 86 Hovdi Grand Meadow 8914 64 Ole A Berg do 96 04 66 Silas Utzingn Racina 63 96 A Neill Hamilton 32 34 Farnsworth do 23 98 PBANXPOBD. 16 8 Boyes Spring Valley 84 24 17 Mrs Parker do 4168 19 A Donaldson Grand Meadow 95 21 35 Scribner Hamilton 67 72 84 JPoff Grand Meadow 3866 97 Peterson do 83 07 BENNINGTON.

3 Fred Speer LeRoy 106 66 18 John Turner Spring Yallsy 47 61 85 Bussell Grand Meadow 35 67 92 John Johnson Hurdal 79 56 96 Langum Grand Meadow 15 85 102 Mrs McNeer Le Roy 34 83 LE BOT. 1 Ole Storelie LeRoy 3564 3 Albert Plnmmer do 56 86 4 Charles Smith do 51 84 5 CARoy do 41199 82 A Park do 26 65 59 Wm Boyd do 7715 63 James Whiteman do 79 Palmer do 96 66 A marks a joint district. A marks the city and village schools. The amounts are the November portionment of each district. ADAMS.

L. Harris is teaching In Distriot No. 7. say Bill Hubbard will have a dance here next week. Win.

Allen, of LeRoy, was in town daring the week. ft Co. and Krebsbach ft Co. are selling stacks of goods. Boee Creek boys dont get solid with fair daughters.

and Saturday made the boys think of last summer's wagos. MeConnell, of LeBoy, auctions oft some goods in Miller's Hall next week. Patrlek Gilligan was badly hurt br his runaway team last week, but is ing rapidly. of the big schools of the county here. Forty-seven scholars.

B. A. Taylor, of Rosa Creek, teaching. Krebsbach has commenced keeping over Smith's hardware store, and Hubbard Carey has got settled in his house, south of the new elevator. MARRIED.

the city of Austin, Dec. 2d, Richard Bxelby, of Austin, to Miss Marr Brooks, of Bureau County, IIL, Bev. B. Hellen officiating. the residence of the bride's parents, at Bose Creek, Thursday.

Dee. 3d, by Bev. Father Smith, Mr. Wesley Ciissman of Freeborn county, and Miss Eliza Kirby, of Mewer county. Austin at the denee of Wm.

F.Clay, Dec.8.1885,by Bev.WJS. Stanley, Malon B. James and Btta B. Killmer. Austin, Dec.

6th, by Bev. C. B. Wright, at the residence of Joseph Sobwan, W. J.

Sehwan and Alloe E. Campbell, both of Austin. LMSU from a Mastodon, The tusks of a mastodon recently found in Illinois weighed 175 pounds each. What a gigantic toothache that animal must have been capable of ing! And such neuralgia! Neuralgia or nerve-ache, generally proceeds from a disordered condition of the blood. Brown's Iron Bitten enriches and fies this and drives neuralgia out.

Mr. W. W. Redman, Piqua. says, "Brown's Iron Bitters permanently cured me of neuralgia." 9BB9BB9BEBS9H9S Dr.

Qaul Urcr Removes Constipation, prevents Malaria, cures Dyspepsia, and tha system. Only one for ad new life to Free at Mills A Johnson's. GRAND MEADOW. Congregational church has a new pulpits Greening has sold nearly fifty stoves this fall. Good sell left us, Nov.30th, for a trip through Missouri.

T. Hughart has taken possession of the Brown House. new livery stable has been opened'by Gilbertson ft Millett. Pierson, a Carleton College boy, arrived home last week. Jorgens, a student at Carleton lege, spent Thanksgiving with bis parents.

M. E. Church have put a new bell of good tone into the belfry of their church. It weighs 300 pounds. --The ladies of the Congregational Society will hold a necktie festival Friday evening, Deo.

11, at the church. Meadow is getting to be quite a barley market. One day last week $10,000 was paid out here for that grain. are to have another grata buyer in Grand Meadow. Mr.

Joe Barry will soon be ready to take in grain in the Round elevator. troupe gave an ment at the Palace Roller Bink last week. Tuesday evening, Nov. 24th, to a crowded house. this place.

D. Converse, formerly of Dexter, ceeds J. J. Gilbertson in the publication of the Record, which be promises to make his manent correspondent: A very pleasant occasion of the 25th ult. was the china wedding of Mr.

and Mrs. D. C. Sanborn. Friends were present from Rochester, Spring Valley, Grand Meadow, and the Intervening section, making it one of the largest and most enjoyable fairs we have ever had.

Among some of the presents were: C. F. Greening, silver napkin ring: Mr. and Mrs. Briggs, china cream er and plates Mrs.

Mr. Hunt, fruit plate S. J. Sanborn, pickle dish Eli Leonard, shaving cup and brush Jas. Bedell, set of erystal by the company, china tea set and silver butter dish.

LYLK. Baum left for bis nome in Indiana Monday, Nov. 30. farmers all renort splendid roads, and are hauling in a medium supply of produce. Jens Anderson died Friday evening, Nov.

27. She bad been ailing for a long time. Thanksgiving ball was well attended, and a good time was enjoyed by those sent. immense quantity of coal is hauled north from here every day over the M. ft St.

P. B. R. athletic club meets quite often. They say Jimmy Brown is the champion.

He is, at any rate, a good one. Jacobson was numbered among those who tenanted our cooler recently. We are Borry for Swea, but be deserves it. will be services every other Sunday at the upper room of the school bouse, by a reverend gentleman formerly of Rose Creek. Bouls ditched his team Thanksgiving evening.

Ran both horses into a six foot ditch without leaving a mark on the harness. Well done. High. Marshall Kirby had the pleasure of escorting one of bis prisoners to Austin Nov. 27th.

Prisoner's name was supposed to be Pat Gallagher. He will receive free board at the county jail for thirty days. car-loads of sheep went south on the M. N. bound for Chicago, Sunday.

Nov. 29. This was the last sheep shipment of the season from the Northern Pacific Railroad, and was carried through without transfer at St. Paul. -M anly Junction branch is completed.

The last spine was driven Friday afternoon, Nov. 27. Trains commence running Dec 7. The grade is a good, level one, and the iron is of best quality, so it is expected that some fast time will be made by the through trains from St. Paul to Kansas City and St.

Louis. Lyle is fast becoming noted as a great railroad ter. We expect to see the Dubuque ft western here next fall. L.ANS1MU. is here in good shape.

Rboades.of Udolpho, who has been very sick, is slowly mending. B. Vaugban and Joe Phillips have each lost several head of young 6tock, in the past two weeks, with the blackleg. Rolph has accepted a situation in L. A.

Foote's seal factory, and is now Foote's printer and "devil" combined. Knuth, of Waltham, had a horse drop dead in the harness one day last week, while crossing the river half a mile east of here. 'LaBar, after an absence of nine years, returned to Lansing last Saturday, and his old friends were glad to have a chance to shake with him once more. of the iron bridges crossing the Cedar is completed, and the other one would have been but Mr. Adams was obliged to suspend work on it for a few days, while waiting for the arrival of iron which has now oome, and if the weather permits, the bridge will be ished by the middle of the present week.

is not much, and ber people are not much given to blowing their horns, but they have gone to work and fixed up the cemetery in a neat and attractive manner. A new wire netting fence now takes the place of the old tumble-down wooden structure, and other improvements have been made til the cemetery is an ornament to the place, and as the Lansingites go by the Oakwood Cemetery they remark, "we are ahead of Aus tin in one respect at least." DRXTKR. came on us last Friday in the shape of a blizzard. ft Rolfaon shipped a carload of sheep to Minneapolis last Monday. Yandeneuver rented the Swann House.

With Pete as landlord, the boarders will have good, square meals. D. Converse has bought tbe Grand Meadow Record. We think.tbe Record will be improved by having Converse as its editor. stranger arrived at John George's last boy who celebrated his first birthday and Johnnie goes about singing "Baby mine, baby mine." Bros, are pressing hay at the rate of a carload every day.

They have purchased a new hay press in Chicago, and will run two bay presses this winter. Tripp, Dexter's cobbler, skipped the country, last Sunday night, for parts known. Every one seems to be glad Frank left, except, perhaps, tbe Dexter druggists. Puff and his son-in-law, Henry Stu der, of Racine County. bought the Felch farm, last week, for $2,500 cash.

We are glad to see these men come to live among us, pecially Mr. Studer, who is a wide a wane low has tbe muscle to do a good day's work, and who is not afraid to do it either. Henry Studer, a cousin, wbo lives on tbe March farm, was instrumental in getting these men to buy here. We wish Henry would keep right on. There's room for more good men in Mower County.

MAX. UROWN8DALE. markets are booming. flour at Sleeper ft Sons. Tork is visiting friends in the East, nice street lamps now illuminate our streets.

well is not a well, yet. It is rather quite an elephant. Colby has been dishing np hash for "drummers" lately. a large assortment, just received at Sleeper Sons'. Wilson thinks there Is nothing on earth like bis "little girl." Its his first.

Hoy, has been confined to the bouse tbe past three weeks by sickness. whooping cough has passed away, and the mumps raging in its place. What next? ft Decker, of Austin, have been pressing hay here, and will leave this week for Spring Valley. L. Sleeper departed Friday for Kansas City.

From there he goes to New Mexico with Mr. Mode Cook, of Chicago. new landlord, James Batemanof tin, has taken possession of the Brownsdale Hotel, and, we expect, will dish up food in a No. 1 style. have tried Athlophoros for an tack of and I feel a good deal better than I did before using the medicine.

I have not as many pains as I had before. Please send me six bottles. Richard Pfaff, Burr Oak. Wis. LE ROT.

M. Wyckoff has recently painted his residence in tasty colors. Frank D. Patchin, of FraBkford has rented the I. H.

Thompson residence in this village. John Frank and Mrs. C. Hambrecht went, last Monday, to Chicago for a two weeks' visit. A.

MeConnell has moved into the Dell Folsom store, where he may be found closing out his stock of goods. parties have stolen a lot of return ticket stubs from the railway depot and been selling and riding on them up and down the road. of the business places in town were draped in mourning last Tuesday, the day of the funeral and burial of Vice-President Hendricks. railroad, by increasing its rates on eordwood, is losing a large revenue from that source, since everybody is supplying selves from other sources. a gradi has been secured to teach the primary ment.

There will be a two vacation during Dec. 4. O.fmyTIead! The worst cue of pneumonia can bo cared by outward applications of 8t, Jacobs Oil and few doeea of Red Star Cnro for Piles. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins, and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to" suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or boring organs. At times, symptoms of gestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of tbe stomach, etc.

A moisture like tion, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile edy, which acts directly upon tbe parts ed, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cents. Address tbe Dr.

Basanko icine Piqua, O. Sold by Mills ft Johnson, NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. Notice is Hereby Given, That 1 have this day given my son EIUCK L. SLINDE, (a minor.) aged 18 years Sept. 17.1885, bis time, from the date of this notice until be shall beeome of age.

I shall not bold myself responsible for any debts or contracts be may make neither shall I make claim to any part of his earnings or wages. ADAMS, Dec. 5,1885. L. E.


CALL AND SEE US, AND GET OCR PRICES. Don't Forget to G-ive FISHER'S Confectionery Store A Call, before You Purchase Your Christmas Candies AND Christmas Trimmings, As We have Just Received a NEW SUPPLY! CHAS. R. VARCO, ROBE CREEK, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, GLASSWARE. CIGARS, TOBACCO, A Variety of Ladies' aid Gents' WINTER WRAPS! Highest Price Paid for Produce.

JUST ARRIVED A Complete Assortment of CHRISTMAS TOYS Call and. See Us. QTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OFMOWEK, ss. In Probate Court. In the matter ot the estate of Thomas J.

Lewis, deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of said deceased being this day granted unto L. French, of said county, It is ordered, Tbat all claims and demands of all persons against said estate be presented to this Court for examination and hearing, at the Probate Office, in Austin, on tbe following days, Feb. 1st, 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m.

June 7th, 1886, at 10 o'clock a. m. It is further ordered, That six months from the date hereof be allowed to creditors to prer sent their claims against said estate, at tbe expiration of which time all claims not sented to said Court, or not proven to its satisfaction, shall be forever barred, unless for cause shown further time be allowed Ordered further, Tbat said L. French, as aforesaid, shall cause notice of tbe time and place of tbe hearing and examination of said claims and demands, by publishing a notice thereof for four weeks successively, in the MOWER COUNTY TRANSCRIPT, a newspaper printed and published at Austin, in said County. Dated December 7th, 1885.

By tbe Court, ORMANZO ALLEN, dec9-5t Judge of Probate. ORTGAGE SALE. Default having been made in the payment of the sum of itwo thousand two hundred seventy-eight and 13-100 dollars, whieh is claimed to be due at tbe date of this notice, upon a certain mortgage, duly ed and delivered by Isbam C. Thatcher, and Ella C. Thatcher, his wife, Life Insurance Hartford JConnecticut, a corporation duly organized and created der the laws of the State of Connecticut, said mortgage bearing date the sixteenth day of February, A.

D. 1882, and, with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Mower, and State of Minnesota, on the 23d day of February, A.D. 1882, at 2:40 o'clock p.m., in Book 2 of Mortgages, on page 182 and the whole sum secured having been declared due, in accordance with a condition in said gage contained, making and allowing tbe whole debt to become due and payable in case of default in tbe payment of the interest or principal as stipulated therein, and default having been made in the payment of the stallment of interest which became due ary 1st, 1885, as evidenced by one coupon terest note, for one hundred and forty dollars due on tbat day and no action or proceeding having been instituted, at law or to recover tbe debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said Mortgage, and pursuant to tbe statute in suob case made and provided, the said gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the ises described in and conveyed by said gage, vis: Tbe northwest quarter of seetion twenty (SO), in township one hundred and three (103) north, range seventeen (17) west, of the 5th principal acres more or Mower County and Slate of Minnesota, with the hereditaments and appurtenances Which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Mower county, at tha front door of tbe Court House, in tbe City of Austin, In said County and State, on the 22d day of January, A. D. 1886, at ten o'clock, a.

of that day, at public vendue, to tbe highest cash, to pay said debt and interest, and tbe taxes, if any, on said premises, and seventy-five lars attorney's fees, as stipulated in and by said Mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disbursem*nts allowed by law subject to demption at any time within one vear from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated December 3d, A. D. 1885. JRTNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford, Connecticut.

Mortgagee. H. A. ECKHOLDT, residing at Rochester, Minnesota, Attorney for Mortgagee. dec9-7t erraE GREAT Grant Book! Lite and Personal Memories of Geo.

Grant in one volume, only One agent sold 43 first day. 10,000 sold first week. A $4 engraving, 32x38 indies, of all "Our Presidents" FHKfi to each subscriber. Think of this! Some person should send B0 eta. fes outfit and engraving and secure this territory.

Book now for commissions. Address ELDEB PoausHnro 364 Wabash Chicago, 111. DRAWING. I am now ready to do a first-class lob at Crayon portrait or landscape drawing. I have studied two years in Cooper Institute, New York City, and have taken private leasons at crayoning of prominent artists of the same city.

I will guarantee'to do as good a job at trait or landscape crayoning aa any artist in the country for less money. Portraits a specialty. Portraits taken from photographs or tin according to size. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also leaaona given In Crayon Drawing ar landacape oil painting, 50 onta per lesson.

Youxa truly, HALFBKD OLSON. Box St, Austin, MONET SAVED. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Everybody is cordially invited to attend tbe great Furniture Sale, T. I. DONOVAN'S FUNITURE STORE, South of Court House, first door East of car Sale to be continued daily, until tbe stock is all sold, which will be an nite time, as new goods are constantly ing.

Tou will always find my stock plete, from a toy chair to the most sive Bed Room or Parlor Suites. I will nish your Houses complete with Chairs, bles, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Pillows, Quilts, Pictures, Cradles, Carriages, Lounges, in fact, everything needed, in first class shape, for as little money as goods can be sold. All kinds of Furniture Repairing done to der, and satisfaction guaranteed. Goods not kept in stock will be ordered promptly wben desired. In tbe UNDERTAKING Line, I have a full stock of all grades of CoJBns and CaBketa, and am pre pared to answer all calls in the Undertaker's line promptly and satisfactorily.

Don't Forget tbe Big Sale. Respectfully, T. W. DONOVAN, First Door East of Oscar Go to the Variety Store For NOTIONS, GLASSWARE, TOYS, 5 and 10c. GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS, ETC.

EVl door North of Opera House Block. A. B. PARKER. Good Lands for Sale! IN OLMSTEAD.


H. ARMSTRONG, Albert Lea Minn. LYLE. MYflRE LUND, LYLE, Have in Stock a Large Assortment of Ladies' Which, during the next thirty days, will be sold at a IARCE DISCOUNT. A Serviceable Cloak for Two Dollars.

Ladies desiring a Plain, Durable Cloak, wiil find special bargains. Also a large Stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES. ETC. YHRE I.UN LYLE, MINN. J.

F. HUMLL CO. LYLE, Are closing out a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes! At greatly reduced prices. Farmers have an Opportunity for saving Money. Special Bargains will be given in A A Large Stock of LEY GOODS AND NOTIONS, At Lowest Living Prices.

Also a Full Stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Etc. EVHighest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. Or. J. CLAEK, LYLE, MINN.

MEAT MARKET. Fresh Meats, Lard aM Fill and Loin Steak, (per cts. Round Steak 10 cts. By Quarter cts. Cash Paid for Hides.


CONFECTIONERY, NUTS, CIGARS, ETC. E. JOHNSON, DEALER IN FURNITURE, AND TT ndertaker. Has constanly on hand a Large Stock of Household Furniture, Spring Beds, ses, Cots, Etc. FURNITURE REPAIRED.

Lyle. opposite Mvhre ft Lund's. a week at home. $5 outfit free. Pay abMlnidyuR.

Ho risk. yon want bnainesa at which persons of either mx yoang or old, can make great pay all the time they work, with ahmtate certainty, fcr particulars to H.HaB*tt ft DISEASES OF LUNG8. THE DR. MACDONALD MAIN STREET, AUSTIN, MINN. This Institute is presided over by ALEX.

MacDONALD, G. M. in Medicine of McGill University. Montreal. Canada, late U.

S. Examining Surgeon, late Surgeon to the WHITE BEAVER MEDICAL AND GICAL INSTITUTES, St. Paul and SURGEON -IN-C PI IEF. Owing to the extensive clinioal experience enjoyed by Dr. MacDonald during his tion with tbe "WHITE BEAVER" hospitals, (and before) when he met with a measure of success never excelled, he has acquired an accuracy of diagnosis wbicb can only be the sult of such varied practice, and which the invalid public would do well to avail themselves of.

Those wbo have been maltreated should not despair until they have exhausted the vanced, rational, and scientific method pursued in this institution, lor although we do not profess to cure all the Ills to which flesh is heir, we do all the remediable ones. we CONSTITUTIONAL DISEASES, Rheumatism, make a specialty of treating all forms of lung trouble, and can eradicate ANT disease from these orgaus, if the final stage has not been reached. COMPOUND OXYGEN scientifically administered in suitable cases. DISEASES OF WOMEN. All forms of or uterine displacements, tumors, suppressed, difficult, scanty, painful or profuse menstruation, and their causes.

DISEASE OF URINARY OSCARS. Inflammation of bladder. BRIOHT'S DISEASE in its many forms, indicated by beadache, nausea, asthma, dropsy, and often by frequent desire to pass urine, especially at accompanied with life unendurable. This last In middle-aged or elderly often the forerunner of this grave disease, and should be at once attended to, or it may be too late. STOMACH AFFECTION8.

Diseases of Liver and Bowels. VISTULA, PILE8, treated painlessly, without knife or ligature. Over one hundred successful cases. lessness). Mercurial Poisoning, Syphilis, Nervous Exhaustion, and all diseases of a private nature.

For those wbo cannot visit the office, a question-list is prepared, which may be ottalned upon application. If this be properly filled out, a diagnosis may be made, and the ate remedies sent by mail or express. COMPOUND OXYGEN TREATMENT GIVEN. NEW HARDWARE FIRM! Having purchased the stock of Hardwarff formerly owned by J. F.

ANDREWS SON, I would respectfully solicit a share of your age, and would be pleased to have you call and examine goods at any time. I have now in stock a full line of ii Sole Agent for GLIDDEJSr BARB WIRE, "Splendid," "Sterling," "Stuart," "Golden Star" aM "Golden Coin," Stoves. "Golden Star," anil "Western Diamond" Cook Stores. "Sterling" and "Bisiari" Ranges, Also a full line of surface-burning Heating Stoves, aud common Cook Stoves, all of which I offer at close figures. I have been so fortunate as to secure the services of Jno.

son as tinner, and all work in that line will be promptly done and tion guaranteed. General Dropsy, A. W. WRIGHT. S.

C. CLARE Successors to J. H. Patterson, and agents for GLIDDEN BARB WIRE, Garland, Splendid and Invincible Stoves, Garland, Riverside and Paris Ranges. General Hardware Merchants- Of All Kinds, at very Low Prices, at the new Lumber Yard, corner Bridge and Jay Streets.

JOHN PAUL I) ARE YOTJ GOING TO BUILD IF YOU ABB, GO TO F. I. Crane's Lumber Yard, WEST 8IDE, WHEBE TOU CAN GET BEST GRADES OF LUMBER. AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICE8. He kaeepa on hand at all a fall assortment of the various grades of LUMBER, SHINGLES, WINDOWS, DOORS, PICKETS, LATH, New Furniture Store GK T.

"MILLS, Formerly with T. W. Donovan, is now opening a New Stock of FURNITURE, In tbe McCleiran Block, opposite Hayes Jewelry Store, and will be pleased to see all bis old customers, and mauy new ones. Special attention given to FURHMNG FINE GOODS to ORDER. He hopes, by Square Dealing, to merit, a generous share of Publio Patronage KEPAIEIN3 ALL KINDS Carefully and Promptly done.

WCome one and all, and make the tance of the new store. I am also agent for THE LACROSSE ENTERPRISE GRANITE AND MARBLE COMPANY. GEO. P. MORSE, Fulton Market, AUSTIN, MINN.

Fresh and Salted Meats, Lard, Sausage, Etc. Game and Poultry in Their Season. Loin Steak (per Mutton Round Steak 10c Veal Boiling Meat CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, TALLOW AND LIVE STOCK. J. F.

AUSTIN, Dealer in GOAL, TOOD, LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTERING HAIR. GEM FIRE KINDLKR8 Paua, 111., Coal, on 60. Delivered, $5.00. Iowa Coal, on track 4.00. 4.25.

Scranton Stove St Nut, on tr 9.75. 10.00. Briar Hill Coal 7.50. Maple Wood, per cord, 7.50. Oak Wood 6.60.

Blacksmith Coal 11.00. py Offlfio on Bridge Street, opposite Court House. Ami Roller in EEGALIA FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR, CORN MEAL, MILL FEED. Custom work done promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Farmers will fl.i lit to their vantage to call at Mill, 40 rods east of Gar Shops. N. PEDERSEN. delivered to any part of the City. SALE.

Default has been made in tbe payment of tbe sum of one hundred and ninety-one and 30-100 dollars, wbicb is to be due, and is due, at tbe date of this notice, upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and ed by Jesse Mctntyrn to William Carson, ing date the 19th day of February, A. D. 1879, and duly recorded in the offico of the Register of Deeds, in and for tbe County of Mower, and State of Minnesota, on tbe 37th day of ary, A. D. 1879, at p.

in Book of Mortgages, on page 330. And no action or proceeding, at law or erwise, having been Instituted to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof: Now therefore, notice is hereby given, Tbat by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such, case made and provided, tbe said Mortgage' will be foreclosed, and tbe premises desci I bed in and covered by said Mortgage, viz: Tbo west half of the south-west quarter (54) of section No. twentv-five (26), in township one hundred and four, (104) north, of range fifteen (15) west, in Mower county, and State of Minnesota, with the hereditaments and purtenances, Will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay said debt and interest, on said premises, and twenty-five dollars torney's fee, as stipulated in and by said gage, in case of foreclosure, and tbe ments allowed by law which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Mower county, at tbe west door of tbe Court House, in tbe City of Austin, in said county tbe 24tb day of December, A. at lu ciock a. of tbat da subject to redemption at any time within one year from tbe day of sale, as provided by law.

Dated Austin, November 3d, A. 1885. WILLIAM CARBON, Mortgagee. J. M.

GBBBHHAN, Attorney for Mortgagee. novll-7t jyjOKTGAGE SALE. Default has been mado in tbe payment of the sum of one hundred and thirteen and 10100 dollars, which is claimed to be due, and is due, at tbe date of tbis notice, upon a certain mortgage, duly executed and delivered by seph Scott and Lizzie M. Scott, his wife, to William Carson, bearing date tho 13th day of October, and duly recorded in the offico of the Register of Deeds. In and for the ty of Mower, and State of Minnesota, on tbe 17th day of October, A.

£., 1883. aa 3 o'clock p. in Book 1 of Mortgages, on page 458. Aud no action or proceeding, at law or erwise, baving been instituted to recover tbe debt securcd by said Mortgage, any part thereof: Now tbeiefore, notice is hereby given, Tbat by virtue of a power of sale contained In said mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, tbo said Mortgago will be foreclosed, aud the premises described in and covered by said Mortgage, Tbe northwest quarter 114) of tbe southwest quarter (14) of section twenty-tbrce (23), in township one hundred and four (104) north, of range fifteen (15) Mower State of Minnesota, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. Will be sold at public auction, to tbe est bidder, for cash, to pay said debt and terest, on said premises, and twenty-five lars attorney's fee, as stipulated In and by said mortgage, In case of foreclosure, and the disbursem*nts allowed by law wbich sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Mow County, at the west door of tbo Court Hourc.

in tbe City of Austin, in said County and on the 24th day of December. A. 1886, at 10 o'clook a. of tbat day, subject to tion at any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by lair. Dated Austin, Nov.

3d. A. 1885. WM. CARSON, Mortgagee.

J. M. GREENMAN, Attorney for Mortgagee. llnov-7t QTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY C5 OF MOWER, ss. In ProbateCourt.

Special Term, Nov. 12th, 1885. In tbe matter of tbe Guardianship of Hen rletta Osmondson and Henry Osmoadson, minors. On reading and filing tbe petition of Ole Anderson, guardian of tbe personsand erty of Henrietta Osmundson and Henry Osmundson, minors, for license to sell tbe real estate or his said wards and It appearing from said petition that it Is necessary ana would be beneficial to said wards that said real estate should be sold It is ordered, that tbe next of kin of tbe said wards and all persons interested In the estate of said wards shall appear before said bate Court, at tbe Probate Office in tbe City of Austin la tbe County of Mower aforesaid, on tbe 4tb day of January, A. D.

1888, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon, to show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate. And it is lurtber ordered, that a copy of tbis order be personally served on tbe next of kin of said wards residing in said Mower County, and on all persons Interested In said estate, at least fourteen days before tbe bearing of said petition as aforesaid, and by tbe publication thereof for four successive weeks in the MOWEB COUNTY TRANSCRIPT, a weekly paper printed and published at tbe City of Austin in said Mower County, tbe last of which publications shall be at least fourteen days before said day of bearing. Dated November 12tb, 1885. By tbe Court, ORMANZO ALLEN. 18nov-5t of Probate.

(JTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY Qp MOWBK. District Coart, Tenth Judicial District. Charles H. Coats, Plaintiff, vs. George M.

Mo- Klnsie, W. p. Cullahan, Alonxo Pelton and Andrew Pomeroy, co-partners as Pelton Pomeroy, and the Toad ft Bafferty chine Company, (a corporation) and R. S. Hughes, as receiver of, of the Todd ft Bafferty Machine (summons) ants.

Tbe State of Minnesota, to tbe above named Defendants: Ton and each of you are hereby summoned and required to answer tha complaipt in tbe above entitled action, which has been filed with tbe Clerk of said Court at his office, in said county, and to sorve a copy of your swer to tbe complaint on the subscriber, at bis office in the city of Austin, in tbe County of Mower and state aforesaid, within twenty days after tbe service ot tbis summons on you. exclusive of the day of suc)i service, and if you fail to answer the said complaint in the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in tbis tion will apply to tbe court for tbe relief manded in tbe complaint. Dated October 28th, A. 1885. LAFAYRTTE FRENCH, 4nov-7t Plaintiffs Attorney, Austin, Minn.

Staii, for cash at highest prices. Sead for ffiviiur foil oincQlan. s.6 aouaimiMf yr fx mm fr-.

Mower County Transcript from Lansing, Minnesota (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.